Blotting Out High-Fructose Corn Syrup
"I'm glad I know to avoid products that are over processed," I thought as I listened to Pollan. Living with diabetes for as long as I have, I've gotten pretty good at discerning food labels and for the most part have internalized knowledge about high-carb and low-card foods and which foods are high and low on the glycemic index.
But nonetheless...I do have these weird times when my blood sugar just shoots up, even though I've thought that I've bolused my insulin correctly. Pollan's words stuck in my mind...and I started going through my fridge, freezer and cupboard to look for places that high fructose corn syrup might be lurking.
And there it was--in salad dressings and in ketchup, in the Breyer's popsicles that claim on the package are made of "all natural" ingredients that I gave, daily, to my son. I realized that I need to be more vigilant about reading labels and shopping that I can buy foods that won't give me blood sugar spikes, and that will be healthiest for my family.
I remember hearing another interview with Dr. Andrew Weill who recommended that people buy most of their groceries from the aisles on the perimeter of the grocer store, filling carts with fresh produce and dairy items. So true. I'm happy that I caught Pollan's interview and plan to read his book...but first need to go to do some reading in my pantry.