Leafing through "Land's End"
A few weeks ago when my mom asked me what I wanted for my upcoming birthday, I realized that I needed a new bathing suit--since last summer I wore a maternity one and my suits from years past are pretty shot. I absolutely love summer and take every opportunity to swim that I can. Last year, we joined a really great pool at a shady Girl Scout camp that was a true respite from the summer city heat. We're going to join again, so a new suit is in order.
My mom and I both know that a great new suit means one thing--leafing through the Land's End catalog. For a woman like me (and I guess this applies to most American women out there) who's not going to appear on the cover of "Sports Illustrated" anytime soon, Land's End has actually made the process of buying a bathing suit into something not completely mortifying.
There are suits made of material that makes you look slimmer; there are tops and bottoms that you can order separately to address any "problem areas" in the various parts of your torso. For us pump users, there are great tankini options which, in my experience, is the best way to go to the pool or beach with a pump. Wearing a tankini, I just clip the pump onto the bottom half of the suit--and volia!--I'm set. I suppose you could do the same thing with a bikini...if you are someone who wears a bikini. But speaking for the rest of us once again, I wish to thank the inventor of the tankini--whoever and wherever you are--which became popular the very summer that I started pump therapy.
This year, leafing through Land's End was a bit less fun, knowing that I needed to find a suit to accomodate both my pump and also my "I'm a mom now who had two c-sections" stomach. Sigh. Maybe actually ordering my birthday suit (ha, ha) will give me that extra motivation push. I'm about 8 pounds away from where I'd like to be on my birthday (June 7th).
On another note, I encourage anyone with Type 1 to take a few moments and fill out a quick survey about living with Type 1 for an Australian diabetes organization called "Reality Check." The survey can be found at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?A=125566936E82851. Reality Check puts out a great e-newsletter called "Yada, Yada"; you can subscribe at www.realitycheck.org.au.
My mom and I both know that a great new suit means one thing--leafing through the Land's End catalog. For a woman like me (and I guess this applies to most American women out there) who's not going to appear on the cover of "Sports Illustrated" anytime soon, Land's End has actually made the process of buying a bathing suit into something not completely mortifying.
There are suits made of material that makes you look slimmer; there are tops and bottoms that you can order separately to address any "problem areas" in the various parts of your torso. For us pump users, there are great tankini options which, in my experience, is the best way to go to the pool or beach with a pump. Wearing a tankini, I just clip the pump onto the bottom half of the suit--and volia!--I'm set. I suppose you could do the same thing with a bikini...if you are someone who wears a bikini. But speaking for the rest of us once again, I wish to thank the inventor of the tankini--whoever and wherever you are--which became popular the very summer that I started pump therapy.
This year, leafing through Land's End was a bit less fun, knowing that I needed to find a suit to accomodate both my pump and also my "I'm a mom now who had two c-sections" stomach. Sigh. Maybe actually ordering my birthday suit (ha, ha) will give me that extra motivation push. I'm about 8 pounds away from where I'd like to be on my birthday (June 7th).
On another note, I encourage anyone with Type 1 to take a few moments and fill out a quick survey about living with Type 1 for an Australian diabetes organization called "Reality Check." The survey can be found at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?A=125566936E82851. Reality Check puts out a great e-newsletter called "Yada, Yada"; you can subscribe at www.realitycheck.org.au.
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