A sweet new year...
This past weekend was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, the celebration of the creation of the world. It is one of my favorite holidays. I love the opportunity to think of starting the new year with a clean slate, with a fresh start. In Jewish tradition, we perform the act of "Teshuvah" which translates into repentance. We go to people whom we have hurt, and ask forgiveness. We go to God and pray for forgiveness for sins that we have committed against the Holy One. It is a time of introspection and reflection. Now we are in what are called the "Ten Days of Awe" which come between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Much is on my mind. I use this time to look inward as much as possible, and try to do an honest accounting of where I am falling short, in both my deeds and intentions.
One of the themes and rituals for Rosh Hashanah is about a "sweet new year." We dip apples into honey and make a blessing over them. We wish friends and family members to have a sweet new year, we cook apple cakes and honey cakes to serve on our holiday tables. This metaphor pushes a button in me, someone living with Type 1 diabetes for over 25 years now. What does "sweetness" really mean to me?
Yes--now with the pump I can eat my apples and honey, and even my honeycake and rugalech and all kinds of goodies, and still keep my blood sugar under control. But the idea of "sweetness" is still a complicated one for me. I think about the sweetness that was denied to me after my diabetes diagnosis and the bitterness that filled inside me in its place. I think about the way people have often used the adjective "sweet" to describe me, only to be shocked when they discover the tough-as-nails part of my personality that lies beneath the surface.
"Sugar works better than vinegar" my Grandmother used to tell me and I watched as she used sweet talk to get things done. I've often modeled that tactic and been successful as a result, laughing coyly as she used to do, once the mission's been accomplished.
I am wishing for a sweet new year, though the word "joyous" feels better to me than "sweet" because of the baggage that I've just described. A joyous year for my family, for my friends, for everyone. A year of sweetness and joy and hope and peace and also, especially, for health--without which, we don't have very much of anything at all.
L'shana Tovah--a sweet New Year--to each of you (Jewish or not!)--
One of the themes and rituals for Rosh Hashanah is about a "sweet new year." We dip apples into honey and make a blessing over them. We wish friends and family members to have a sweet new year, we cook apple cakes and honey cakes to serve on our holiday tables. This metaphor pushes a button in me, someone living with Type 1 diabetes for over 25 years now. What does "sweetness" really mean to me?
Yes--now with the pump I can eat my apples and honey, and even my honeycake and rugalech and all kinds of goodies, and still keep my blood sugar under control. But the idea of "sweetness" is still a complicated one for me. I think about the sweetness that was denied to me after my diabetes diagnosis and the bitterness that filled inside me in its place. I think about the way people have often used the adjective "sweet" to describe me, only to be shocked when they discover the tough-as-nails part of my personality that lies beneath the surface.
"Sugar works better than vinegar" my Grandmother used to tell me and I watched as she used sweet talk to get things done. I've often modeled that tactic and been successful as a result, laughing coyly as she used to do, once the mission's been accomplished.
I am wishing for a sweet new year, though the word "joyous" feels better to me than "sweet" because of the baggage that I've just described. A joyous year for my family, for my friends, for everyone. A year of sweetness and joy and hope and peace and also, especially, for health--without which, we don't have very much of anything at all.
L'shana Tovah--a sweet New Year--to each of you (Jewish or not!)--