Symlin Pen?
I've written several posts about my experiences with taking Symlin, and I must say that I'm still feeling like I'm in process of mastering how to use it with my insulin. I'm not overbolusing and getting low anymore, but I still sometimes fail to extend my bolus enough to cover the two-hours after eating and taking symlin when some insulin is needed. But all that being said--my blood sugar control, post-meal, is absolutely better since starting symlin. I'm due for an A1c next month--my first since starting symlin--and I'm curious to see where my levels are.
But one thing I haven't been able to get over--having been on the pump for seven years now, I just can't bring myself to carry around a vial and syringe with me. Many days I'm on the road around lunchtime and might have dinner out (at a restaurant or eating with friends) 1-2 nights a week. At those times, I would rather push a few buttons and bolus rather than bolusing and shooting up with symlin...even if my post-meal blood sugars may not stay as even. Carrying a vial and excusing myself to the restroom (I could never bring myself to take out a syringe at a table)brings back memories of the old days, and I don't like it. Just thinking about backing up the symlin and a syringe makes me more grateful than ever for my pump.
But I've heard good news...that the makers of symlin are coming out with a pen. That I can deal with: one thing, convenient to carry, dial it up, shoot, done. I will carry a pen. As I continue to get better working with symlin and insulin, I am looking more and more forward to that pen coming out.
Are any of you working with symlin? How's it going for you?
In peace,
But one thing I haven't been able to get over--having been on the pump for seven years now, I just can't bring myself to carry around a vial and syringe with me. Many days I'm on the road around lunchtime and might have dinner out (at a restaurant or eating with friends) 1-2 nights a week. At those times, I would rather push a few buttons and bolus rather than bolusing and shooting up with symlin...even if my post-meal blood sugars may not stay as even. Carrying a vial and excusing myself to the restroom (I could never bring myself to take out a syringe at a table)brings back memories of the old days, and I don't like it. Just thinking about backing up the symlin and a syringe makes me more grateful than ever for my pump.
But I've heard good news...that the makers of symlin are coming out with a pen. That I can deal with: one thing, convenient to carry, dial it up, shoot, done. I will carry a pen. As I continue to get better working with symlin and insulin, I am looking more and more forward to that pen coming out.
Are any of you working with symlin? How's it going for you?
In peace,
At 12:14 PM,
Scott K. Johnson said…
That is great news! I wonder how long before it will hit the street.
I'm not using symlin yet, and maybe one of the things keeping me from trying it is the same challenge you are fighting with - the whole syringe & vial thing.
Though the positive impacts on post meal BG's is probably going to draw me into trying it.
Thanks for the update!
At 8:06 PM,
Minnesota Nice said…
I want you to know how much I appreciate your blog. I read an article by you in a back Yoga Journal issue, not realizing that you took insulin, and well........I've now read your book, looked at a ton of other blogs on the diabetes OC, and, after decades of denial think I've found a lot of momentum to continue to make responsible choices (after rising from the depths of major burnout).
Keep on, sister!
At 8:06 PM,
Minnesota Nice said…
I want you to know how much I appreciate your blog. I read an article by you in a back Yoga Journal issue, not realizing that you took insulin, and well........I've now read your book, looked at a ton of other blogs on the diabetes OC, and, after decades of denial think I've found a lot of momentum to continue to make responsible choices (after rising from the depths of major burnout).
Keep on, sister!
At 8:20 PM,
GabrielleK-M said…
Thanks for all of the feedback!
Scott--when the symlin pen comes out, it is definitely worth a try!
At 9:55 PM,
GabrielleK-M said…
thank you for reading & posting! Good to learn about others symlin experiences...
At 10:15 PM,
Scott S said…
Hi Gabrielle,
When I attended the ADA Scientific Sessions in Washington, DC back in June, Amylin mentioned they were planning to launch a Symlin pen in the near future. However, as you may know, Symlin is manufactured by Eli Lilly & Co. on behalf of Amylin Pharmaceuticals in a joint marketing venture. Lilly is having major problems with meeting the demands for another product they are jointly marketing, the mega-popular type 2 medicine Byetta. Anyway, although they wanted to have Symlin pens out by late 2006, I would guess they may not be available until 2007 based on the issues Lilly is having with Byetta.
At 2:48 PM,
krikor said…
Well it's June 2007 and still no symlin pen--what's up with that?
Just started symlin also a pumper for 2 years, type II
At 10:15 AM,
MrRicF said…
I really, really like the assistance that Symlin gives me in handling my post-meal levels, but I am a 56 year old male with Type II diabetes and I am really, really tired of carrying a purse around with the vile and syringes. I either forget my "purse (camera bag)" or I forget to shoot up when eating out. Please keep us posted on this "pen" situation.
Thank You,
At 3:13 AM,
Bernard said…
I'm still waiting on this pen.
Right now I have a vial of Symlin at home in the fridge and another in the office in a fridge. So it's a bit of a pain.
I used insulin pens before starting on the pump and really liked them. So I'm ready for the Symlin pen.
At 11:30 AM,
Unknown said…
I have been off and on symlin for about a year. Unfortunately I am off more so than on because of the sheer inconvenience.
But the pen is music to my ears! Do you know when the it is supposed to come out?
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