Insulin Pump Demystified

Monday, June 12, 2006

Diabetes everywhere...

Do you ever have one of those days when it's just diabetes, diabetes, diabetes everywhere? I'm having one of those days. It actually began last night when my Disetronic D-tron plus clip case broke. I am so utterly dependent on my clip case--the way I like to wear my pump is clipped onto my bra, that's it. I used to sometimes put it on my belt or even in a "thigh thing", but for the last few years I prefer to keep it clipped where I know it's safe and secure. Sure, it means sometimes reaching down my shirt in public to bolus, but what can you do?

So my clip case broke and I had to tear apart my closet to find the leather back-up case that I hate. Not wearing my pump the way I prefer made me keep noticing it...thinking about it...becoming annoyed by it. I started realizing how most of my days as I go about the business of my life, I barely notice that it's there. Anyway, the kids were already asleep last night when I decided to catch the last half-hour of "60 Minutes," a favorite Sunday evening ritual. When I turned on TV, a new epidsode of "dlife" was being Tivoed (my husband has set it to tape for me), so I decided to watch that instead. Did anyone ctach it? The show was focusing on the way diabetes is portrayed in tv and film--an issue I find very compelling. Having been totally depressed as a teenager when I saw "Steel Magnolias," I was delighted to see some discourse about how popular media can educate or misinform the public about diabetes.

And then several times today when I caught the news, I heard stories about the ever-growing diabetes epidemic...and it's great that the media is putting attention n how Type 2 diabetes is growing in this country...but when I see those kinds of reports, I must admit I feel a bit of a tug. I worry that all of the public health focus on Type 2 will only mean less education, awareness and research dollars for Type 1.

But then...I remembered that this week is the week of the American Diabetes Association's 66th Scientific sessions, a gathering of physicians, educators, researchers and companies sharing the latest innovations and updates in diabetes research and care. This is news that I want to hear. Bring it on! If you want to follow the Scientific sessions, check out the blog of Dr. Richard Kahn at

In peace,


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