Insulin Pump Demystified

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Dexcom in action

If your curiosity about continuous glucose monitors was piqued by the "Washington Post" article that I mentioned a few entires ago, you might want to check out another site:

You'll find a detailed blog written by athlete Matt Vogel, who has Type 1 diabetes and does triathalons and other intensive sports. Matt is wearing the Dexcom continuous monitor and is not being paid by anyone to write candidly about his experiences with it. Reading his blog is helping me get a sense of Dexcom's strengths & weaknesses.

I think I really want one! How about you?


  • At 7:18 PM, Blogger Kassie said…

    I won't go back to medtronic, so I'm keeping my eye on dexcom and the Abbott Navigator. Saw Dexcom in April and was *very* intrigued.

  • At 5:06 PM, Blogger nicole jensen said…

    i want to switch to this one also i heard about and i heard that it is great.right now i am on the medtronic pump but it has malfunctioned a couple times.

  • At 4:07 AM, Blogger Erik said…

    I am on the omnipod pump and the dexcom monitor. It saved my life. I have so much more control. and my insurance is now starting to pay 80% for the monitor.


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